Monday, July 2, 2007

Week 6 Thing 15 Library 2.0

The video was engrossing and definitely gave me some things to think about. I found that I don't really know enough about Web 2.0 to understand all of the articles (so much for feeling smart last week that I could use Rollyo!), but a few of the ideas that stuck with me were the ideas that users create value. Well, of course they do - why bother providing services if nobody is using them? - but I'd never heard it said exactly that way before. I also had a good chuckle when I realized that having a teen advisory board is a library 2.0 service - encouraging and accepting feedback from our users. Yay TAB! Something I hadn't really thought about before reading the articles is the fact that the term "Library 2.0" refers to more than the use of the web 2.0 technologies - it's a service model, librarian behaviors, the way we function as a library and the relationship we have with our customers. I can see that we are, indeed, already doing some of the things that the articles predicted - teen advisory board, implementing roving reference, there's even been talk of (gasp!) a MySpace page . . . I'm not sure that "To a Temporary Place in Time" isn't a bit over the top, but I think the writer was correct to assert that we're in for big changes.

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