Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Week 4 Thing 8 - RSS

Okay, so I've spent way more time on this than I intended to do! I found Bloglines to be really simple, and I'm looking forward to not having to check the Vampire Librarian twice a day to see if she's updated - I love my Vampire Librarian!

However, I ran into trouble when I decided it would be a good idea to subscribe to the comments on my blog, but try as I might, I couldn't get a feed to show up for just comments. The help section says I should be able to do it, but all I could get was posts, not comments. I even just entered my blog URL for Bloglines to detect feeds, and it could only find posts. I'm a bit frustrated and not sure what to do . . . anyone have an idea?

But back on topic, I feel much more confident now that I know what RSS is - funny how I'm not scared of it now that I know what it stands for!

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