Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Epilogue . . . 19 years later ;-)

So, we're now supposed to reflect on the 23 things program. I did a bit of that in my previous entry, but I can do some more. The program has definitely been valuable to me as I've helped patrons at the computers or people with questions like "What's Wikipedia?" It also helps with planning programs - I'll probably be doing one on Flickr for teens in the winter, and others in the branch are planning other technology related programs for various age groups, many using technologies we've explored in the 23 things.

Is this significant for libraries? I think so. Libraries are increasingly becoming places where people come to use technology as well as places where they come for books, and if we're not up on what's happening, we might lose that place. Also, libraries are doing so many innovative things with the various technologies in programs and community services, it would be a shame to be left behind. Anything that draws people into the library is helpful, in my opinion, and technology definitely does that. And besides, it makes me feel cool to be able to show teenagers something on the Internet that they've never seen before! :-D


Gail Griffith said...

You got it! And, it sounds like you had a little fun, too.

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